Sunday, December 14, 2008

Crazy Dreams...What Would Freud Say?

I have been having some really weird, just out there dreams lately...
I've dreamt of beings that were half monkey and person, of having hairballs come out of my body, of having fights with friends that I've never even raised my voice at, of me bleeding on a school bus with all my students around, Curt leaving, just a variety of things that seem to have no connection and these have only been in the past two weeks! I did have one normal one with a sweet, healthy baby girl in it; thank goodness for one I understand.
I have not been sleeping as soundly or deeply lately and I thought that's when you actually dream...not sure but another thing I can blame on the hormones?!?!?

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Another fun part of pregnancy, all those crazy dreams. I get them a lot too. Sleep is no longer my friend either. Every two hours I'm up for something. The books say it's getting us ready for when the baby is here. Couldn't that preparation start a little later?