Friday, October 22, 2010

18 Months!

Josie is now 18 months and of course the smartest baby we know! Really she is teaching us so much about being parents and how to interact with a smart, strong-willed, independent little girl. She is now above 40 words and started around 17 months putting two words together to make sentences...I don't think I've heard a three word sentence of her own yet. She has started "counting" it sounds like tee, ine, ero, tee, ine, ero (three, nine, zero) over and over again. So cute. She is an adventurer...she loves to climb, jump, run, play with balls and cars. She is a tomboy to the fullest and I love that about her. She falls and just gets back up and at it. She weighed in at 20 lbs 10 oz (5%) and 33 1/4 in (75%). Her favorite foods are fruits and vegetables, pretzels. chocolate and popsicles. She will eat all her fruits and vegetables before other food and often fills up on just her fruits and veggies. Healthy baby but you need more I tell her! What else? Unfortunately, she has bitten about 8 times in the past 3 months and she went through a hitting phase when she wasn't getting her way. However, that seems to be slowing down. At 18 months she had all of her teeth but the "vampires". Two weeks later she now has 3 of the 4. Josie is still going to DeeDee's and doing extremely well. It took her less than a week and she was totally back into the routine; waving and saying "bye bye" to me. Even at school when Denise is there for her boys Josie knows not to be clingy because I have to work and I can't hold her and love her up but keep moving through the hallway. So proud of her for that.

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