Tuesday, May 19, 2009

6 Weeks Old and Sort of Smiling

Josie is 6 weeks old and continuing to grow. My parents brought over a baby scale from when I was growing up; going off of that she's about 8 pounds or so and getting longer all the time...I only see it because her feet are getting snug in more of her outfits. She is battling baby acne, dry skin, and cradle cap all at the same time so that smooth "baby face skin" is gone for now...hopefully it passes quickly but the nurse said it all peaks at 6 weeks. She had her first "owie" when she scratched herself hard enough that it has scabbed over. Sadly, her hair is thinning out up top so she's got just fine fuzz growing back and is sporting the "grandpa hairdo". She is talking more all the time and experimenting with sounds and showing that half grin too but no full smile yet; maybe she is just going to have a little smirky grin...we'll see...hopefully soon; I'm anxious to see it!
On a side note: I had my 6 week check-up and checked out just fine. All of the baby weight is gone and my blood pressure that was sporatic was at the normal range again. My rings fit and I can spin them around; my legs no longer tingle when standing or sitting too long, and I don't see floating spots in the shower anymore! So it seems all my "strange" pregnancy symptoms are gone. However, I am starting to get some pain in my wrist and am wondering if I have "baby wrist" a form of tendonitis!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

She's getting so big! Don't you just love the smiles?! Chloe smiles a couple times a day (I know it's not intentional) but I like to think she's doing it just for me! Too cute.
I saw the floating spots in the shower too! I tried using that as an excuse to go on bedrest, but wasn't successful (obviously!). I'm glad that you and Josie are doing well.