Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Two Months Today and Swollen Lymphnodes

Today is Josie's two month birthday...too bad she's too young for cake or we could have one everymonth! I guess we still could but I don't think I could justify that even to myself who loves cake!

Yesterday we had an impromptu doctor's visit; while holding Josie Friday morning and rubbing/massaging her head I came across a lump in the back of her neck. I had felt it a week ago but then could never find it again so I thought it was my overactive mind but then Friday I felt it again and larger than I remembered so I called the doctor. On the phone the nurse said it sounded like a swollen lymphnode but had us come in for the doctor to check out. He was very confident that it was a swollen lymphnode, he actually found two others too that are smaller. Dr. S said that lymphnodes are located regionally all around the body and "flare" up when fighting something in the body that is not supposed to be there; in this case her awful case of cradle cap. He said that they could get larger as we are taking care of the cradle cap, she could get more possibly, that they would shrink after the cradle cap was done, but never really 'go away' because lymphnodes wait around for the next time they are needed in the body to help fight infection. Needless to say I was worried before our appointment and relieved after our appointment but still anxious as all the emotions of relief, fear, nervousness, love for Josie, worry, and gratefulness for her and her health all came crashing into one crescendo. I guess that's called being a mom...

Here's a few cute pics from the week; Josie Rose who is in love with the pacifier keeping it close (she's done this a couple times this week; still don't know how purposeful it is though) and wrapped up like a baby burrito; she loves to be swaddled and sleeps more soundly; us too!

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