Sunday, September 13, 2009

5 months old!

Josie is now 5 months old and figuring out how to do lots of things. She is excellent at rolling from back to front towards her left sholder (she's starting to roll towards the right one but not as much). She loves her tummy time now and doesn't attempt to roll her self over any more; it's probably been almost a month since I've seen her roll off her tummy. She has even started doing the inchworm but not really moving anywhere too much. She turns herself in a circle when on her tummy to get to the toys around her. She's been eating cereal like a champ since 4months and started veggies at 5 months; so far only squash and carrots (which she loves the carrots). She is a regular "big-mouth" smiler now. She still does her little grins and smirks but has tons of big mouth smiles for us. She's chuckled a few times but we've got to be working hard to get them out of her; the dogs have made her laugh just as much as us. The craziest things get her like shaking keys or some random other sound but she doesn't laugh the next time. She is talking up a storm all throughout the day and squeals to show her delight. She has been sleeping through the night for over a month now too! Josie is still a very content baby and only fusses when she needs something; random people tell me all the time she's teething because of her drooling and mouthing but that's been going on for most of the past month so I don't know about that; maybe the mouth is working up to it but right now there's nothing. Granted I don't check too often because I think fingers in the mouth is kind-of gross; mom friends laugh at me and tell me I will get used to that sensation but for now I'll keep my fingers and germs to myself!

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