Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cleaning My Linen Closet...

Today I got a call from my good friend Melisa who lives down the street and is getting ready to sell her home as her family is expanding by two; twins, one girl and one boy! Anyways here was one of the most random phone conversations I've had in a while. Melisa and I found it pretty funny and I hope you do too.

Melisa: I have an offer for you. I'm not trying to be pushy or anything and thought I could save you some money.

Me(in my head) : What the H-E- double hockey sticks is she getting at?!?!

Melisa: So I finished cleaning the linen closet today and

Me (in my head) OH!!! She's going to want to give me some hand me down sheets or something

Melisa: I just came across some pregnancy tests and ovulation kits since I know you are thinking about trying in the summer sometime. The boxes are open but don't worry I didn't pee on them!

Me: You're hysterical!

Now maybe to all of you; not so funny. But it was so left field and what I was not imagining we would talk about and I never want to forget that conversation!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Okay, I'll chime in here. What a great a conversation to remember! And what a great friend to know she could call you and ask! After I got an IUD, I was wondering whom I could call to give leftover condoms to! Sorry-TMI!! Go ahead! Screech with laughter!