Tuesday, August 19, 2008

33 Reasons to Love Curt Today !

Happy Birthday Curt! And yes you are 33 today not 32 like you're telling everyone!

33 Reasons to love Curt any day of the week or the year...

1. He gives me a hug and a kiss everyday he leaves for work
2. When I'm sick he calls me to check on me
3. He does his own laundry!
4. He is laid back and doesn't have to always be in control
5. He has a goofy laugh that makes you laugh
6. He will watch reality TV with me (currently Project Runway)
7. He is kind and giving to our families
8. He is willing to help anyone at the drop of a hat
9. He cooks about 1/2 of the week willingly
10. He always puts the toilet seat down (Thanks Dianne for training him!)
11. He is always smiling
12. He can move on quickly; he doesn't dwell on the bad
13. He is positive and believes all will work out in the end
14. He will watch girly movies with me (with little complaining)
15. He tries to tell jokes
16. He goes camping with me even though he doesn't love it
17. He makes the best grilled cheese; crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside
18. He takes the dogs out in the middle of the night if they are whining
19. He puts the worms on the hook when we are fishing
20. He eats at Q-Doba on a regular basis even though he hates it and I love it!
21. He cleans the house on the weekends I work and he doesn't (without me asking)
22. He is a hard worker; dedicated to doing well
23. He'll stop in to the grocery store on the way home from work
24. He still holds the door open for me
25. He has started attending church and will even go if I have to work
26. He's a great gift-giver
27. He loves my nieces a whole bunch and does a goofy, sappy smile at them
28. He laughs at silly things
29. He does little dances in the privacy of our own home!
30. He encourages me in my new ideas and grand endeavors
31. He plays board games with me! (He is even beginning to like Blokus!)
32. He resets the alarmclock for me when he leaves early in the morning
33. He tells me he loves me everyday!

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