Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cereal = Yummy

BEFORE--What's about to happen here???
Tonight was Josie's first time getting cereal! She did AWESOME! The first couple spoons just drooled out. But then she got the hang of it and liked it; she even smacked her lips a few times. By the 4th time she was opening her mouth for the spoon. Then towards the end she started grabbing the spoon to put it in her mouth herself of course not much cereal made it to her mouth that way! She would also sqwauk at me if I wasn't going fast enough for her so I would say she liked it. After about 10 minutes though she got really angry and wanted to eat! I think it wasn't hitting the spot fast enough like a bottle! Hopefully tomorrow goes just as smooth.
DURING--MMM, I llike this!
Let me do it myself! I know what to do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super cute!! She's getting big! Tracy