Thursday, January 7, 2010

9 months!

Josie is 9 months old already. It has gone so fast! Someone asked me which went quicker the pregnancy or these 9 months...these 9 months for sure! Josie has had a great month. She is eating like a champ and has started eating Stage 3 foods and little morsels from the table. She has begun pulling herself up, walking along the couch, walking behind baby push toys, and even took that one step we wrote about. She has become a little more stranger shy in the past few weeks but easily goes back and forth between those she knows. At her doctor's appointment she weighed in at 18.1 pounds which was in the 37% range and at 29.25 inches which was in the 95% range! She is the height of an average one year old! Her percentile rank for her weight dropped from the 50%; the doctor wasn't concerned about the drop because of the growth in her height. He attributed it to her having the major colds, respiratory infection, and ear infection this past month which messed with her eating habits some. She loves to mimmick sounds and noises and follow you around the house like one of our puppy dogs. She's still a happy little girl and we love her so much!

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