Thursday, January 21, 2010

Reached a Goal This Week

I haven't blogged about it or actually talked much about it even in person but it was a goal I was silently focused on; I accomplished this goal that I've been working towards for the past six months. I am down 51.8 pounds and if you count the "baby" weight then since Josie was born 69.8 pounds all together! I'm proud of it and will keep going for ten pound increments. It started as a bet between my brother and I , the first one down 50 would have to treat the other. In my case a pair of Coach tennis shoes and in his case, money towards Nascar tickets. Well, he "threw in his hat" around Thanksgiving but I kept going so there will be no reward from him but I do believe I will be treating myself to those Coach tennis shoes! Way to go me without that sounding too self-involved!

1 comment:

Preston and Rachel said...

Congratulations! You totally deserve some cool new shoes!