Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Midnight Sun???

So there is a crew of teachers and parents at school that have gotten into the Twilight series; I am the only one that has completed the whole series and must keep my mouth shut so I don't become a "plot killer"; that is one of the worst things a book or movie addict could be! Anyways, one of the moms told me about Midnight Sun; Edward's version of the story being put on the internet... so I just went there to check it out and found the great countdown on my sidebar and to look at Midnight Sun. I downloaded it and it was 264 pages; it was one of her rough drafts that got leaked onto the internet so to trump them at their game she posted it for everyone to see and read and take away from the excitement of it being posted who knows where. I haven't read it and don't know if I could read 264 pages on the internet! Did anyone know there was another book coming out... I didn't!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Wow! Thanks! I'd heard there was another book. I didn't realize that there *wouldn't* be a book! I'm going to start reading the draft right now!